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ePermitting Training for Contractors


Many local building jurisdictions in Oregon are now offering online access to apply, pay for and receive building permits 24/7 through ePermitting. This ePermitting system is available to all contractors working in any of these jurisdiction and provides:


- Online access to apply, pay for and receive building permits 24/7

- Automated inspection scheduling by phone or computer

- Comprehensive permit tracking and data collection

- Electronic plan submission and review


These jurisdictions are partnering with the Lendry300 and Oregon Building Codes Division to provide training to contractors on how to register for and use the ePermitting system. We would like to extend an invitation to all contractors and their staff to attend an ePermitting training. (Click here for a list of jurisdictions offering ePermitting)


Jerod Broadfoot from the Oregon Building Codes Division will be training on how to use the system. Mr. Broadfoot is the Divisions Training and Outreach Coordinator for ePermitting and will be available to contractors for assistance using the system. Contractors are encouraged to bring a laptop to the training so they can work in the system during the presentation. Each training will take one hour, but Mr. Broadfoot will be available after to work with contractors and staff to answer any questions. Contractors can choose the training they want to attend or contact Mr. Broadfoot for detail on how to participate via their computer.



For any questions please contact Jerod Broadfoot via email at or via phone at 541-240-1256.


Local Building DepartmentProperty OwnerContractor

I want to register for an ePermitting account.